The answer is Yes if you’re an aspiring Games athlete…..but most importantly, NO for the remaining 99% of the population.
In a direct conversation with the head judge of the CrossFit Games, Adrian Bozman (ultimately the shot caller on the rulebooks enforcement) and Victory Grips, Bozman said that Rubber Grips/chalkless grips or “grips that enhance grip” will not be allowed at IN PERSON Qualifiers AND The CrossFit Games competition itself. In personal qualifiers formally known as Semi Finals/Sanctionals and recently changed in the 2025 season. This does not apply to the Open, or other online competitions where it would be virtually impossible (see what we did there) to enforce such a rule. It’s already challenging enough to get it right on an online platform, it would be impossible to police even if they wanted to without a physical test of the grips being used from the endless brands out there.
There’s quite a lot to unpack here like what is considered ‘enhanced’? Especially considering the multitude of variables in different bar types, chalk vs no chalk, weather conditions, movement type/workout and a heap more, especially when you consider chalked grips most certainly enhance performance beyond simply protecting hands! And what about all the other accessory equipment and products out there? Shoes are constantly evolving with focus on athlete’s performance and efficiency and weightlifting shoes literally create artificial ankles and enhanced weightlifting positions. What about belts? Speed skipping ropes? Mouthguards to improve breathing, support gear like wrist wraps, I could go on and on. None of which are banned, albeit with some restrictions on width of belts for example. Worth noting, I don’t believe they should be. And the most important thing to point out here is, these grips are worldwide and available to everyone, it’s literally your choice whether you choose to workout in chalked or non chalked grips.
Regardless of whether we agree on the double standards of the ruling, the reality is it affects very few of us with less than 1% qualifying to the “final’ stages of the in person qualifiers and even less to the CrossFit Games. For the rest of us mere mortals throwing down in the Open, local comps or in our local box, wear whatever damn grips make you happy and help you progress the most with the short amount of time you have to train each day.
If you are a semi finalist/Games athlete what can't I use? The Elite Grips HD/OG and Elite Grips Lite
What can I use? Base Grips 2.0, Base Original and Fibre Grips
CrossFit Games Rulebook 2025 – Section on Equipment Regulations for In-Person Competitions.
The gripping surface of the hand may not be tacky or sticky. Grips must be made of a material that provides hand protection but not additional grip advantage.